
ヘルマワン・カルタジャヤHermawan Kartajaya

マークプラス 創業者兼CEO


ポストノーマル時代、価値で価値を創造するCreating Value with Values : Post-Normal

What is the importance of pandemic transformation to reach cooperation? How is social power more powerful than political power? How do corporate communicators and lobbyists support the organization? Why are values and norms important in marketing and customer management? Kartajaya highlights the importance of values and norms within the organizations in the post pandemic world. He suggests that global crises can be managed and transformed through Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 3Rs; relief, recovery and revolve as the social system is more commanding and influential. Being a co-founder of world marketing for room W. M. F., Kartajaya emphasizes that lobbying provides and supports companies, countries and institutions ultimately supporting the post pandemic marketing, policy making, cooperation and multi-dimensional technology. He emphasizes that the balance between social and political power is absolutely necessary, so government, economic players and social influencers, such as NGOs, hold an immense importance in formulating the policies.





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