
マーサ・ロジャーズMartha Rogers

Peppers & Rogers Group 創立者


顧客価値を高めるために必要なものは何か?Do You Have What It Takes to Increase Customer Value?

Why is building the value of a company and building the value of the customer base important? How has the availability of machines and machine learning has built customer value? How technology has helped in building proactive trustworthiness? Why is employee engagement highly important for customer satisfaction? Rodgers emphasizes that it is of absolute importance to build customer value. Technology is advancing and improving at a very fast pace which is why it is essential to predict and understand what machine and machine learning can do in future. She suggests that if businesses have a customer centric approach, they will be able to maintain customer equity and set themselves a long lasting financial goal. She further emphasizes that technology, data science and artificial intelligence has taught many important lessons and utilizations to humankind. Technology has helped employees to hold direct communication with the consumers which brings in the factor of building trust and satisfaction. Trust building increases the customer experience and dissemination of information. She advocates that it empowers the customers and makes them company’s valuable asset to the company.



テネシー大学で博士号を取得。現在デューク大学ビジネススクール講師およびデューク大学顧客リレーションシップ管理センター共同センター長。論理的な思考と卓越した文章力を持ち、1993年に出版した「ONE to ONEマーケティング」(The One to One Future)は世界的なベストセラーになった。ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー他学会誌で寄稿論文多数。2013年に米ダイレクト・マーケティング協会「Hall of Fame」を受賞するなど、アメリカのマーケティング界で最も影響力のある女性の1人。


「Extreme Trust: Honesty as a Competitive Advantage」