
サディア・キブリアSadia Kibria

ワールドマーケティングサミットグループ CEO


ポスト・コロナの世界における、ソーシャルプレナーシップ(社会起業家精神)Socialpreneurship in Post-Covid World

What does the world want from businesses in the fight against COVID? What is Sociopreneurship and why is it so important for a better and sustainable world? How major companies worked together to fight COVID and what important message they have delivered? What are the new demands of consumers from the companies and why is it important for the companies to fulfil those demands? Sociopreneurship carries a mission and vision to change and transform society. Sadia Kibria’s speech will highlight the key components of sociopreneurship and how major companies are adopting this concept to save the world from the impacts of Covid-19 and why it is important now for big corporations to work for the betterment of the people.



人道支援家でスーフィーでもあり、カナダのNPO 女性移住機構のボランティアをするなど世界をより人道的に、より良くする活動に常に情熱を注力している。