
ヴィニー・ジャウハリVinnie Jauhari

マイクロソフト・インド 教育担当役員


ニュー・ノーマル構築に向けて教育を一新するBuilding the Next New Normal – Education Refresh

How to make the field of education accessible and sustainable? What should be the key priorities to focus on during the pandemic to foster the continuation of education? How should teachers be encouraged for innovation in the field of education? What should be the professional development approach for teachers? Vinnie Jauhari talked about the significance of training teachers, especially for important programs such as Microsoft, because they are directly interacting with peers, therefore they need to be well-informed with modern technology and have up-to-date skills. Jauhari focused on how the pandemic has changed the face of education delivery. Moreover, it is the need of time, that despite challenges, teachers continue to work with passion in educating children, thus their efforts must be recognized. Apart from focusing on the teachers, she suggested opening more learning opportunities for the students and giving them credentials that will help them realize the importance of their skill.





マイクロソフトでは、2014-15年度にワールドワイドチームにおけるグレッグ・バトラー賞、2015-16年度にコンプライアンスおよびビジネス貢献賞、2016-17年度にエバンジェリズム賞、2016-17年に公共部門からのブランドエバンジェリスト賞、2019年にAIデジタルラボにおけるMaking a Difference賞など、数年にわたってその貢献が認められている。



・Innovation Management (2014) (Oxford University Press)
・Services Management (2009) (Oxford University Press)
・Technology Innovation Across Nations (Springer Germany)
・Women Entrepreneurship (2009)
・Managing Sustainability in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (Apple Press, New Jersey, 2014)
・Consumer Experience (Apple Press, 2017)